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Pray for Israel

Please to pray for the points below relating to the Oct. 7th massacre and ensuing battle.

  •  Release of the captives

  •  Healing of the wounded

  •  Peace to the families of those killed, injured and still being held captive

  •  Pray for our soldiers.

  •  Comfort to the families of the soldiers who are serving and those who have given their life in service.

  •  Healing to the soldiers who have been wounded.

  •  Wisdom to the leaders of Israel and the world.

  •  Pray for those displaced from the communities attacked in Gaza on Oct. 7

  1.  comfort to their souls o worry over those still recovering in hospitals

  2.  grieving for the return of loved ones from the hand of Hamas

  3.  mourning the death of family, friends and community

  4.  no work

  5.  in many cases no physical home to return to

  6.  evacuated with little or nothing more than the cloths on their backs

  •  The communities evacuated along the southern and northern borders

  1.  Total disruption of daily life, no work and in many cases inability to return for additional clothing and supplies

  2.  The unknown for the future.

  •  Additional areas of Prayer o The Nation of Israel - the Land and the People.

  1. The people of Gaza being held hostage by Hamas.

  2. The people of Lebanon being held hostage by Hizballah o     Israel's relationship with Egypt, Jordan and the other Arabic         countries around us.

  3. Pray that the world media will reflect the truth and not to be used as a tool to provoke the nations to come against Israel.

  4. Pray the UN leadership will not be one sided.

  5. Pray for believers around the world not to be deceived by what they hear and read through the media. That they will stand firm as a light in the darkness within their communities.

  6. Pray that the plans and purposes of God will come to pass.

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